The PROBLEM gives birth to the DREAM…
My saving grace came in February, 2006, at a business conference, where the speaker was totally reading my mail. She had been in my shoes and found a better way. My whole life was turned upside down as the revelation of the life I really wanted flashed in front of me. I humbled myself, forgave all those who had hurt me in the past; I forgave myself and finally, I forgave God. It was the beginning of a whole new life of freedom, peace and joy, emotionally and spiritually, and I wanted everyone to experience it. Shortly after that, our company flew Todd and I to San Antonio, TX, for a leadership retreat and training with the top income earners. They had hired a caricaturist to draw our dream at the end of the three days. Somehow I knew this was my chance to ask BIG! I had achieved all the dreams on my vision board and quit dreaming. This was my chance to breathe life into my future. What did I want to do for the rest of my life if I could do anything and KNEW I could not fail?

Thirteen years ago, I was a burned out entrepreneur, a stressed out mommy, and struggling with my health. Although I achieved a high level of success in my company and attained a yearly income less than 5% of Americans ever earn, I felt empty and dissatisfied. I represented a wellness company and yet my body was showing the results of neglect and imbalance as I rarely took time for healthy meals, proper exercise, rest, and play. Climbing to the top and looking around at my marriage, my 3 children, and my other family relationships left me feeling regret! Those relationships were not thriving and I felt guilty.
“I want to create a healing center and wellness retreat where people can experience the kind of love You’ve shown me and I want miraculous healings and transformations to occur so people all across the globe will hear of Your power and goodness.”
What I now call “Selah Oasis” was birthed out of that. Fast forward to 2016, when we sold the “big dream home” our family had spent the last 3 years tearing apart and remodeling together. People couldn’t understand why we would make that sacrifice that to move in to a tiny home. I wanted something MORE THAN THAT BIG DREAM HOUSE; I WANTED MY BIG DREAMS TO COME TRUE! Having absolutely NO MORTGAGE was our reward and the freedom we gained was worth it!
“Selah Oasis” will have tiny houses for tourists to come in and experience our wellness retreats.
Our vision is to create a flourishing, joy-filled wellness community that attracts the attention of the world to duplicate this model. We define a wellness community as “a group of individuals working toward a common goal of nurturing our bodies and our relationships to bring joy, a sense of belonging, and purpose through meaningful contribution”. We believe an authentic community of wellness offers almost everything our heart has been asking for all along. At the core of our being is a longing to belong and contribute our unique value to the greater good. Without “holistic wholeness” in body, soul and spirit, we cannot accomplish this. The goal is to make wellness and a simplistic luxury lifestyle affordable. Our core values are: freedom, wellness, simplicity, and sustainability.
We’re willing to do the hard work, work long hours, live in the village, and serve every day. Our faith, passion, and “get’er done” track record make us qualified to tackle this project and see it to completion. We are a Texas family owned business in the hill country. We have just got to pursue this, step out on a limb, give it our best shot and trust God to fill in where we lack. And so the journey begins…